Video and Lab - Create a Virtual Install of Windows 10 - 2024



Greetings. And in this short video presentation, we're going to see how we go about creating a virtual install of windows 10 using virtual box by now, everyone should be pretty comfortable with using virtual.

To create a virtual install and we're going to use the same procedure that we use for our server 2016 full install and our server 2016 core.

So we're going to begin by going up inside of the virtual box manager, we're going to click on new.

That brings up the crate virtual machine wizard, and we're going to create a windows 10 machine.

So I'm gonna scroll on down here.

I want to be used in windows 10 64. And I'm going to give this a user-friendly name.

I'm just going to call it windows 10.

The virtual client is just for confirming that our configurations are actually working on the server and the network and for the domain.

So we're going to use this to verify that DNS is working.

By ensuring that the windows 10 client can pull down the information from the server.

Now, does it make any difference what clients you use? If you want to use windows seven, you're free to use windows seven, windows eight or windows 10.

And the last thing we want to be able to demonstrate is how to join a client to a windows server, 2016, or a server 2012 network.

I'm going to go ahead and click next.

And again, I'm going to leave the Ram right where it's at.

I'm going to click next again.

We're going to create a virtual hard disk.

Now I'm going to say, create, and we're going to leave it at VDI.

Say next, and we're going to leave it dynamically allocated.

And we're going to accept the default of 50 gigabyte, or we're going to say Chris.

Once you have created that virtual disc and you need to make some changes to the settings.

You can just right.

Click on it and go to settings and you'll have access to everything that you've configured to begin this installation process we're going to do exactly as we did before.

We're just going to double click our virtual disk and that's going to begin the installation process.

Again, I'm going to click on the folder icon.

I'm going to browse on over to the location for my windows, 10 ISO.

I'm going to double click it.

And when I get back, I'm going to just click on the start button and that's going to begin the installation process, the installation process for a windows 10 or windows server 2016.

Exactly the same.

So we're going to go ahead and begin the process just by clicking on next.

Now here again, I have chosen the correct language, the time and the currency format and my keyboard.

Click next. And again, we have the install now button again, it would like to go ahead and activate windows, but I'm going to go ahead and skip this and that's going to begin the 180 day trial.

I'm going to go ahead and accept the license agreement, say next.

And I'm going to go ahead and click on custom again, and I'm going to leave it like it is.

And I'm just going to say next that begins the installation process of the files.

And when it's done. Again, reboot a couple of times, and then we will complete the installation process for windows 10.

You'll notice that in my virtual box management console, I have a number of already built virtual machines.

Now you can create as many virtual machines and virtual box as you have disc space for it, and you can run.

Those virtual machines, as many as you have Ram and CPU power for.

So if you have a machine that is lacking in CPU and Ram, you're only going to be able to run two or three machines at a time.

Now I've got 16 gigabytes of Ram and I have an I seven processor, quad core, and it's everything that I can do to run those three machines, especially with server 2006.

If you need to update your Ram, you might want to consider doing it.

Now, if you need to free up resources and Ram so that you could run multiple virtual machines at the same time, then you can right click on your toolbar down at the bottom of your desktop and go to start task manager up inside of the task manager.

You'll find everything that's currently.

Now, if you see things in here that you don't need such as dragon speak, whatever the program might be, you can go ahead and right.

Click on it. For instance, I'll go ahead and kill Skype.

I can right click on it and I can go to end the process tree.

I can click that and the process tree.

Now I've just gotten rid of.

Now it's going to free up some resources and you can go in here.

You, you can't continue to do that.

And that's going to help some sooner or later, we all out run our resources and there will come a time when we're going to have to bite that bullet and break out the wallet and go out and get ourselves a bigger, faster, I better machine.

With more Ram and more CPU power to help support what it is we want to do with technology.

That's just the nature of the beast.

None of us are going to be able to keep doing what we're doing because we grow and we get better at multitasking and we become more proficient without, with using those resources.

So they can't keep up with us forever.

One of the things we learned.

By working in technology long enough is that our hardware needs to last us somewhere between five, six years, maybe seven years.

But to do that, we have to be able to upgrade it.

So when we buy a machine, we don't want to be stuck with just the limitations of what's on there.

Currently, we want to know that yes, I can put in a newer, better, faster processor and I can install so much more.

That's all we have to look for when we buy that new machine.

When we buy that new machine and we get our triple desktop monitor in place, we're going to need to protect that investment.

And the best way you can do that is getting a ups, uninterrupted power supply.

That's going to help clean the current.

And there's nothing harder on hardware than bad voltage.

There's nothing. That'll tear it up quick.

Then fluctuating voltage and dirty current.

So the ups has the ability to make sure that the current remains constant and that it is clean.

And that's what you need to get the longest life out of your hardware.

So that's a good investment.

The setup process has completed my windows. 10 machine is now going to restart.

When we come up, we will continue with. With the installation of windows 10 for our virtual network.

So my windows machine, my windows 10 machine has rebooted for the last time.

And now it's going to come up and we're going to be prompted for that administrator password here.

We're prompted for the product KIBO.

We're going to go down and we're going to click on where it says do this later. I'm not going to scroll on down and we're going to use the express settings to install.

The installation of windows 10 and continues on, and it will continue on until it's done installing a critical updates and anything else.

It needs to install before it's going to give us a desktop and we have another reboot.

And now windows 10 has started back up and we'll see how far we get with the installation process of this time.

Now for my own personal preference, what I do with windows. Is I try to make it behave as much like windows seven as I possibly can.

And to do this, I understand all, all of those small programs that are running in the background using PowerShell.

And then I clean it up as much as I possibly can.

And then I uninstalled that tile menu that we get with the default installation of windows 10.

And I installing classic startup menu for windows seven.

That helps alleviate all of that slowness.

When we get rid of all that stuff, that's running in the background.

So now it's going to ask me, do I want to join a local directory domain or I can connect to a Azore active directory.

I'm going to go ahead and select join a local active directory domain.

It says, if you plan to join your PC to a domain, we will help you set the domain account.

When set-up is finish, joined the domain as you have in the past. I'll just say next.

And now I'm just going to say next, and it wants the username for this PC.

So I'm just going to go ahead and just give it a username and it wants to make it secure using one of those secure, complex passwords.

So I'm going to go ahead and type in my passwords.

So I've typed in my complex password and I give it an, a hint.

I'm going to say now.

And we're going to go ahead and let this thing finish installing, and then we should finally get to a desktop.

It's now setting up all those small applications that run in the background.

When we get done with the installation, I'll take you up and I'll show you how I go about removing all of those small little applications that are running in the background that we never use using PowerShell.

Again, I'm going to turn off network.

You say no to that.

So I've opened up a browser and I'm just waiting for it to give me a default search engine so that I can get inside and show you how I uninstalled all those useless applications.

As far as far as browsers go, edge is pretty useless.

Internet Explorer is still available inside of here.

All I have to do is just type.

I explore it in a search engine.

I can bring it up, but I'm gonna just use edge and I'm going to go out and I'm going to find those PowerShell commands that would allow me to on install all this stuff.

So you see that it's a well known topic up inside of the internet.

So I'm just going to type in or slick remove programs from windows 10.

And, I can follow that up with PowerShell.

If I like, here we go.

Now I'm going to go ahead and.

Find one of my favorite hacks for removing all those programs using PowerShell.

This is one of the better articles on how to remove all the useless programs.

And it just takes you down, introduces you to PowerShell.

And at the same time, you get some introduction into how PowerShell actually works and what packages you can remove.

I forgot to mention that you use PowerShell and when. 10, you have to launch it as the administrator.

So I'm going to, again, type in power show and from the options I'm going to right.

Click on where it says windows PowerShell, and I'm going to select, run as administrator.

I've gone out to the internet and I've gotten the commands that I need to be able to unstop all those useless programs that are running in the background to include the Microsoft windows alarm.

So I'm just going to highlight that I'm like, right, click.

I'm going to copy.

And now I'm going to go back over to my PowerShell and I'm going to right click.

And that puts it into the command prompt or the power shell.

I'm not going to hit enter.

And it comes back to the prompt, letting me know that the command completed successfully.

So that's something that you can do to help free up those resources that are being ate up by all those useless programs that are running on windows 10.

You're going to have to type in those commands one line at a time, or copy and paste them as I did, to be able to remove all those applications.

Now, if you need to further optimize your windows 10 machine, there are registry hacks that you can use.

There are also a number of services that you can just Sable and all that information is available to you for free on the internet.

And all you have to do is ask for it.

Now, the other thing that we can do to help optimize windows 10 is to get rid of that start menu using times.

So I like to use the classic shell, so I've just typed in classic start menu, spelled it all wrong, but it gets the idea.

So I'm going to go over here and this is a free download.

So I'm just go ahead and download.

This takes just a second and we have it for English.

So I'm going to go ahead and begin this down.

So in just a moment, I'm going to show you how you can replace the tile menu in windows 10 with a more classic windows seven start menu.

So the download is complete.

I'm going to go ahead and select run, and we're quickly going to step through this.

I'm just going to say next set, the license agreement, saying. Leave all the defaults say next and install, user account control comes up.

I'm going to say, go ahead and allow this to happen.

And now I'm going to click finish.

So the first time I go to launch this new classic start menu, it's going to prompt me.

It's going to ask me which style do you like? So I'm going to go ahead and just leave it at window seven style.

And now I'm going to say, okay.

And I can also change. Start button.

So I'm going to go ahead and make that classic as well.

I'm going to say, okay. And there we go.

Now, when I click on the start button,

I have a classic windows seven start menu.

And you ask the classic menu does work on server 2012 server 2016, windows eight, or any of the windows, desktop that you would like to enhance.

I would also like to point out that there are some limitations to the different types of windows, 10 or windows eight machines that you can add to a domain.

For instance, you cannot use any type of home version to join a domain.

If it's windows eight or windows 10, you have to use at least professional to be able to.

Enough configuration that is to say enough networking configuration components to be able to join a server 2012 or a server 2016 domain.

So later on in the course, we're going to be joining our windows 10 machine to the domain, and we will be configuring the networking configuration so that it has all the right information so that it can find his domain controller that will allow it to.

Our server 2016 domain.

And that's going to be later on in the course, when we get into configuring our devices, preparing them to join together and network for server 2006.

So that's going to conclude this short video presentation and how we go about creating a virtual install and optimizing windows 10.

Now, if you have any questions or you have any concerns about any of the information that was covered in this video, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact your instructor.

And I'll see you in my next video.

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