Module Overview - The 3 Teams


Hi, everybody, welcome to the first module of the red team blueprint.

This particular module is going to span over a few videos around the three teams, how these particular teams work together, what their goals are, etc.

So the three particular teams, the red team, the blue team and the purple team.

So the red team as obvious.

We're going to go over that in the next video.

But we're going the red team blueprint is designed to expand upon that and much more depth.

Now, the blue team, we're going to go over on what they do, how they work, a general higher overview.

We're not going to get into the day to day functions of what that team does.

However, you will have a good understanding of what the team does at a high level, how they interact with everybody else and how specifically they interact with the red team.

Now, the purple team is a little bit of a special case.

A purple team is not a physical team that has a manager, director, etc.

So we'll go over that in the the last video of the module.

But just understand that the these three particular teams are crucial to an enterprise when you're looking at its security posture from an attacker's point of view and not necessarily towards an engineering perspective.

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