
My name is Brandon Dennis.

I'm the CEO and the instructor of Red Team Nation, as well as industrial professional, ethical hacker and red teamer.

In this course, we're going to be learning quite a few things, it's not just going to be straight ethical hacking, you're going to learn everything from networking, programming, whether it's python assembly.

You're going to be learning how VPN's work, how to build out programs internally at Enterprise and Silicon Valley companies.

You're going to learn a lot of these different things.

And all of these are key factors in playing into actually landing the job that you want.

Just learning ethical hacking skills on their own isn't going to get you there.

And that's kind of what a lot of the other ethical hacking courses are providing is just the ethical hacking training.

What I'm going to show you is how to build out an entire team from the ground up, how to interface with executives, how to build networks, how to handle budgets, as well as how to handle the ethical hacking side as well.

So but on top of this, you are going to learn networking, you are going to learn programming, you are going to learn internal windows.

How does memory work?

How does the stack work?

How does he know how to CPU?

Because all that's going to be relevant when you're trying to actually build exploits, whether you are building custom toolkits.

The point is, I want to give you guys the best portfolio you can by the time you're ready and finished the course.

So, once again, thanks for rolling.

Enjoy the course.

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