3. Installing Python & Tools on Windows

Everybody in this video ought to be going over how to set up our environment.

That's going to be our base point for the rest of the course.

So what we're gonna do is we're going to assume that you already have a virtual box with windows installed.


If not I will leave a link in the resource section to virtual box the windows ISO for the download for the installer as well as a tutorial for how to use virtual box to install windows.

So go ahead and do that first if you haven't already and then once she get to that point start it up and you'll be right here.

So the next thing is we're going to need to install a few tools and a few products into Windows 4 for this particular course we're going to be issuing Python 3 for the environment we're using Python 3 for the code.

Then we're going to be using Notepad plus plus just for a simple Ed that's quite easy to use.

Now we're gonna be using a few things from CIS internals from Microsoft we're using P.S. exactly and Process Explorer.

Then on top of that we're using something called dependency Walker that will then allow us to look at p e file structures and XY file structures.

All right.

So the first thing we're going to go ahead and do is install Python 3 presidents are going to go Python download go and grab the first one.

Again all the links for the exact places to download this are going to be in the resource section next to video.

So this case we're in a download.

Three point seven point three.

And this should auto understand your operating system.

We're gonna go ahead and add Python 3 7 to the path install for all users and go ahead and install now go ahead and click yes to the UAC prompt there perfect.

So now that that's done we're gonna go ahead and close and we're gonna go and test out to make sure that Python is installed correctly so at the bottom left you'll see the Windows logo go ahead and right click on that and hit run and then type CMT and hit enter.

So that's gonna pick us up our command prompt.

Now at the bottom where the logo is for the Camaro.

Just right click that and say pinned taskbar so that way it stays there so we don't have search for later.

So you can do Python dash dash version and perfect.

So we got Python working correctly.


Next thing we should do is do a notepad plus plus perfect go and go download and we'll download the latest one and we'll go ahead and run that as well.

Hand again yes to the USC prompt and we can all go in here.


And next I agree.


And make sure we click Create Desktop Icon and install that's.

We'll go out and let it run automatically the first time perfect.

So again we'll go ahead and right click the icon here and you pin the taskbar so we automatically have a nice way to grab it.

Next thing is Process Explorer.

So Process Explorer go ahead and click docs again every link that I'm going to specifically you will find in the resource section next to video.

So go ahead and click download Process Explorer.

Go ahead and open this up.


So we'll just grab the two process explorers angle and drag them on to the desktop next step here is we're gonna do.

P.S. Exactly.

I'll explain what each of these tools do at in their respective videos but just go ahead and download them ahead of time so we have them ready to go.

Gordon click download.

P.S. tools amigo and open so we just need the standard.

P.S. exact right at the top.

Gordon drop that over done now are the last thing we need is dependency Walker.

Again we'll use this for P E develop R P E ID and looking at a few things such as undocumented system calls.

So this will be a good tool to get familiar with especially if you're doing any type of malware or reversing or reverse engineering in general so I'm gonna go and scroll down to the bottom not quite to the bottom and you're gonna grab this one right here and no it says for Windows 7 8 etc. This one does work.

Go ahead and download them and go and open it and we will just need these two depends independent deal.



That should be it.

You should have your environment pretty much set up now and again we'll have links for all of these things on the far right side of the video in the resources section.

So go ahead get all these downloaded and get it set up and then make sure python is running correctly if you have any problems.

Hit me up with a message and we'll go ahead and sort it out.

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