2. Setting Up Your Professional Portfolio

Everybody in this video ought to be talking about how to build a professional portfolio for you as an individual and a professional.

Now the reason this is important is because a lot of a lot of job prospects and employers will look for some sort of portfolio from you.

Now this is more common in the software development field.

However in the security field is just as important especially when you're trying to.

It looks like you're giving back to the security community if you're producing tools helping with open source projects and get help as is a very nice place for that.

And it's a good place to host your own repository and your own projects and that's what we're going to look at now.

So the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to pick a name.

Now this user name can be whatever handle you're known as in the security community or maybe it's a handler you already like.

However try to keep it as professional as possible.


So then next we're going to set up an email and then we're gonna set up a password right.

You sure.


So once we've gone ahead and we've corrected a username which it'll tell you if it's if it's available not same thing with the e-mail address we set up our password and we go ahead and hit sign up forget hub.

So first step after this is going to be to validate the account.

So we just have to do a quick puzzle of bouncing puppies and we should be OK.


So for free that's all we really need.

If you want to pay seven dollars a month that's fine.

But for an individual standard user especially for something we're going to be doing throughout the course which you're going to be uploading your own projects that you do throughout the course into this repository to be able to build out your portfolio.

So we're gonna go ahead and use free and for personalization we can just go ahead and skip the step we don't actually need it if you feel like answering these questions go ahead.

It does tailor the experience just a little bit for you guys.

So I'm gonna go ahead and validate the account.

Right now we've gone ahead and vowed in the email address we're going to go to the top right and we're going to click repositories.

Now this is where you're going to be building out your repos.

So each rebel can be can be a single file can be an entire project.

So in our case we're gonna be using single files but treat them as projects.

So to create a repository which we're going to do almost every single one of these videos throughout the rest of the course is going to be designed to have some sort of court action to it.

So whether that's building a Python script or doing something physically it does going to be something.

So any code that you build should go into this repository or a repository of its own.

So that way you guys are building out your portfolio.

So to do that we're gonna go ahead and hit new and we're going to leave owner the same sense that should be your only option.

And then we're gonna do first dash project right.

So that's just the name and that's gonna be the name you get it and that's gonna be the name people are able to search on.


So on description we'll just do my first project and we'll leave this as public now you can do private ones where it's just for you.

But that's not what we're trying to do here we're trying to keep it public.

So we'll do initialize a ribbing which is more of like a base description and forget ignore we're not going to go over this for now just make sure it's python because that's what we're gonna be using.

We're not going to using the command line per say which is going to be where this is most prevalent.

However feel free to give it a quick google search get ignored just when you're using the command line get it just ignores specific files like comp. Python files we'll go ahead and click Create repository perfect.

Now that that's done you can see there's a few options here.

We can upload files which with you click this you can just drag and drop specific files which is probably what you're going to be doing.

And then add some comments to it and then commit directly to match and hit change come in.


Or we can do create a file now create a file you can do you know test ATX t whatever you want.


However if you want a folder you could just type or whatever and use a slash.

And that will go ahead and put your folder and then you can do test that next day if you want or dot python.

So that's how you add things to your project or your repo and how to create a get hub account.

So what I want you guys to do is take a second and go ahead and go to get hub dot com.

If you don't if you can't find it.

There'll be a link in the resource side of the site and go ahead and create your own get hub account.

What I want you to do is if you have personal project that you're OK with sharing go ahead and already upload them start building that portfolio out sooner than later and as soon as you have a few bits of code on there you can start putting it on your resumé to help off things up a little bit.

So go ahead build out your portfolio and let's see how it looks.

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