Cyber Threat Intelligence is a relatively new field within cyber security. As cyber attacks increase both in terms of volume and sophistication, organizations felt the need to anticipate future cyber attacks by analyzing threat actors, malwares, used modus operandi, motivations and possible affiliations.
Are you a young graduate in the field of cyber security, computer science, international relations & geopolitics?
Are you a junior cyber security professionals (SOC analysts, CERT analysts)?
Are you interested in cyber security and would like to know more about Cyber Threat Intelligence?
If yes, this class will provide you:
This class is synthetic, straight to the point and well resourced. Enjoy the class and welcome to the CTI community!
Adrien is a Cyber Threat Intelligence analyst with a military background and currently working in the private sector.
His academic background and cyber security certifications include the following:
- Master's Degree in International Relations
- Comptia Security + certified
- GIAC Cyber Threat Intelligence (GCTI) certified
Adrien has been published several times for his geopolitical analysis and analysis of threat actors conducting operations in cyberspace.