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Secure Shell Fundamentals - Learn SSH By Configuring It
Section 1: Introduction
1. Introduction To Secure Shell (ssh) And Remote Access (3:03)
2. Who This Course Is For (1:53)
Quiz 1: SSH - Introduction
Section 2: Setting Up Your Environment
3. Creating A Free Lab With Virtualization (1:42)
4. Installing VirtualBox (4:02)
5. Downloading An Installation Image Of Ubuntu 18.04 (2:32)
6. Installing Ubuntu Linux Server On VirtualBox (6:50)
Quiz 2: Creating a lab with VirtualBox
Section 3: SSH For Remote Access
7. Preparing Your Server (7:54)
8. Connecting With SSH (6:02)
9. Connecting From A Windows Host With PuTTY (4:19)
Quiz 3: SSH For Remote Access review.
Section 4: Basic Linux Commands
10. First Steps In Linux (7:09)
11. BASH Shell (7:09)
12. Understanding the Manual (man pages) (7:08)
13. Case Sensitivity In Linux (4:27)
14. The Super Special root User (12:03)
15. Common Linix Commands (13:59)
16. BASH Shell Navigation (5:02)
Section 5: Editing Text Files
17. Editing Text Files - Overview (1:34)
18. vim - Vi IMproved - Full Text Based Editing (10:41)
19. nano - A Quasi-GUI Text Editor (4:16)
20. TAKE PRECAUTIONS When Editing System (6:34)
Section 6: SSH Key Based Authentication
21. Key Based Authentication Linux And MAC (13:19)
22. Key Based Authentication - Windows (13:44)
Section 7: Securing SSH
23. Configure sshd_config For Security (9:18)
24. Stopping Bad Guys With Fail2ban (4:58)
25. Enabling Your Firewall (ufw) (12:56)
26. Disabling Unneeded Services (8:38)
27. Managing sudo (9:10)
Section 8: Copying Files Using SSH with SCP
28. Linux to Linux Copying With SCP (8:01)
29. Windows to Linux With SCP (5:04)
Section 9: Extended Operations And Shaky Connections
30. Use screen to be able to reconnect to interrupted sessions. (6:39)
31. Use nohup to let processes run even if you disconnect. (7:29)
23. Configure sshd_config For Security
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