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OSINT: Open-Source Intelligence
Training Overview
Description of Training
Video Overview (4:50)
Introduction (4:50)
What is OSINT and who is OSINT for? (6:32)
Mental Preparation (5:32)
Data sheet (4:38)
OSINT Path (4:36)
Disclaimer (1:38)
What you will need (2:20)
Your tools will break (3:49)
Ask (1:46)
Crossing the line (2:56)
OSINT Report Template (4:00)
OSINT Presentation (6:40)
Getting started
Virtualization (3:42)
Installing Virtualbox (Windows host) (3:11)
CSILinux install (11:26)
Linux Terminal basics (3:46)
Bias (7:40)
About sock puppets
Why a sock puppet account and what is it? (2:36)
Sudo (5:52) (3:13)
Using Text Free for texting - updated (4:31)
CSI Linux Sock Puppets (2:48)
Data collection
Handling data (4:48)
Taking notes (7:54)
Cherry tree templates
Opening Cherry tree files (No audio) (1:40)
Bonus: How to use Cherrytree templates (4:59)
Keeping your data safe (9:47)
Advance searching
Google Advanced Operators (7:31)
Google Maps (4:24)
Google Images (5:24)
Exact match Google Images (1:36)
Google alerts (2:06)
Other reverse image searches (5:53)
Geolocation (3:46)
Greynoise (2:55)
Reverse searches
Reverse email (10:52)
Phone OSINT (5:56)
Bonus: Reverse phone US and Europe (3:14)
Reverse Phone (5:15)
Deepfake detection (5:39) (2:56)
Employee and employer searches
Business searches (3:56)
People searches
Black Book Online (4:54)
USA Public Data Search (2:56)
Dehashed (Updated 2/2/19) (7:09)
';--have i been pwned? (4:31)
webmii (3:22)
Resume finders (2:29)
Family trees (4:12)
Property Ownership (2:51)
Hospitals (3:59)
Instant Checkmate (5:52)
Unmask Google Users (3:46)
Website OSINT
Spiderfoot (5:48)
wget and HTTrack (7:09)
Updated: Metagoofil (4:32)
Webpage Cache (5:13)
Saving to the Internet Archive (3:08)
The darkweb (6:44)
Tor (12:20)
2 VPN or not 2 VPN with Tor (5:14) (3:58)
CSI Tor Gateway (5:29)
Various browser plugins
Filtering fake news with SurfSafe (5:27)
Image Capturing (6:50)
User agent switcher (2:43) (3:20)
Social media
Building a Facebook sock puppet account (6:26)
Twitter Mind map (4:50)
Twitter (4:22)
Facebook ID (3:15)
FB Down (1:43)
Bypassing Youtube login Bonus (1:58)
Bonus: Using social media to track the Capitol riots (7:46)
Bonus: User searches with Maigret (8:04)
Youtube Data Viewer (3:16)
Fixed Bonus: Profil3r httpsgithub.comGreyjedixProfil3r (6:22)
OSINT Frameworks
OSINT Framework (4:56)
Maltego (9:37)
OSIRT (8:31) (3:18)
Bonus: Canary Tokens (6:23)
Bitcoins (Bonus) (12:02)
Bonus: Euro OSINT Site (5:46)
Australian Tools (5:13)
Bonus: Geo-Recon (6:11)
BONUS: Online dating (7:44)
Bringing it all together
Email OSINT Investigation Bonus (10:17)
It's test time! (0:50)
What's this building? (0:42)
Test 1: Building test
Finding a person (0:45)
Test 2: Digging for information on this person
Phone number OSINT (0:43)
Test 3: Who's phone number is this?
Test 4: VOIP or LAN?
Test 5: What's the address?
Test 6: The roof
Test 7: Final test
Exercise (1:15)
Exercise Solution (11:17)
Building a OISNT VM OS from scratch intro (2:49)
Loading Mint (9:57)
Adding programs from the repository (3:24)
Programs from the repository (11:06)
Browser extentions (5:41)
Git installs Recon Dog (3:09)
Pwnbin (5:44)
Where to practice your OSINT skills (4:22)
Links Updated 42022-04-27 (6:22)
Slide dump
Certifications followup (12:02)
Euro tools (Thank you Nick) (14:56)
German and Dutch tools
Links Updated 4/27/22 (6:22)
Slide dump
Certifications (0:12)
Certifications followup (12:02)
Euro tools (Thank you Nick) (14:56)
German and Dutch tools
Bonus: OBS for recording your investigations (7:30)
Preparing for the TL Search Party CTF (8:55)
Bonus: OSINT Investigation: Twitter/X Fact or Fiction? (3:40)
Bonus: OSINT Investigation: Twitter/X Fact or Fiction? My solution (6:42)
Getting work in OSINT (8:13)
Join us at (1:10)
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