Introduction to this course

So in this course, you're going to learn about job interviews and we're going to kind of peel back some of the layers of things that confuse people in interviews. So if you're someone out there that's getting a lot of job interviews, but no job offers, then it's an actual issue with your interviewing skills, nine times out of 10.

There are those one-off instances where maybe it's just not the right fit for the company, maybe the company can't afford you. So there are some instances like that, but for the vast majority of people watching this, it's going to be an issue with your interviewing skills, which is the reason why you're not getting those job offers, as you go to interview after interview after interview.

Now, if you're not getting any interviews at all, that's an issue with your resume or your networking skills. So that's where you need to focus on. So this course would not be for you if you're not getting any job interviews at all. This course is for those that are getting job interviews, but not actually getting those job offers.

So in this course, you're going to learn about a world famous question that all of us have probably been asked in an interview, and a vast majority of people don't actually answer this correctly. So if you're dealing with a trained interviewer, this question is something that they're assessing a couple of things with, and we'll talk about what those are. If you're doing with an untrained interviewer, then your generic answers that most people give are probably okay.

You're going to learn about how to master the mental game. Now, it's not just what you think about the woo-woo stuff of meditation, all that stuff. There's some other things you need to consider as part of the mental game before going into these job interviews, as well as you're going to learn to go inside the interviewer's mind and identify and explore the biggest fears that they have so you can help to overcome them.

The entire goal of an interview for you is to give that interviewer or interviewers the opportunity to say yes as many times as possible. So that way, they ultimately get to that final yes to give you the job offer. You're going to learn about interview bias.

This is a huge one, and a lot of people don't understand about bias and all the different formats of it, as well as how to actually overcome it. You're going to learn about behavioral interview questions, and we're not going to dive into like a whole bunch of interview questions here, but you're going to learn about how you need to actually respond to them.

So there's a process behind responding to behavioral interview questions that will help separate you from everybody else that's in those job interviews. And then you're going to learn about some other tips to help enhance your job interview and basically how to avoid self-sabotage.

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