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Facebook OSINT Hacking: Ethical Hackers and OSINTeers
Training Overview
Description of Training
Video Overview (1:46)
Section 1: Course Introduction
1. Course Introduction and Welcoming
2. Facebook and Open Source Intelligence (1:07)
3. Disclaimer
Section 2: Facebook OSINT Hacking Introduction
4. The Complete Understanding of Ethical Hacking (1:03)
5. Facebook OSINT Hacking Methods (1:35)
Section 3: Set Your Hacking Environment The Right Way
6. Section Goals (0:30)
7. Introduction to Virtual Machines (2:29)
8. Virtual Box Installation (3:18)
9. Kali Linux Installation (5:01)
10. Kali Linux Configuration (8:18)
11. Installing Extension Pack (4:30)
12. Taking First Snapshot (2:37)
Section 4: Learn Kali Linux before we start
13. Section Goals (0:30)
14. Kali Linux Graphical User Interface (8:21)
15. Kali GUI Keyboard Shortcuts (6:05)
16. Kali Linux Command Line Interface (10:26)
17. Kali Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts (6:50)
18. Extra - Present Working Directory (2:10)
19. Extra - Change Users Passwords (4:37)
Section 5: The Way To Create Undetectable Realistic Fake Identity
20. Section Goal (0:34)
21. Create An Undetectable And Realistic Fake Account (9:56)
Section 6: Facebook and Hackers Tricks and Mindset
22. Section Goal (0:34)
23. Hackers Starting Tips (6:03)
24. The Targeted Company Page (8:53)
25. The Targeted Person's Profile - First Part (10:45)
26. The Targeted Person's Profile - Second Part (10:03)
27. Facebook Search Engine Hacking Tricks - First Part (8:41)
28. Facebook Search Engine Hacking Tricks - Second Part (10:44)
29. Facebook Search Engine Hacking Tricks - Third Part (15:09)
30. Grab The Target's Friends List (1:05)
31. Target Account Creation Date (2:37)
32. Email Guessing And Confirmation (5:07)
Section 7: What Real Advanced Hackers Do
33. Section Goal (0:34)
34. Grab Your Target's Facebook Identities (5:58)
35. Manipulate Facebook Search Engine - First Part (11:44)
36. Manipulate Facebook Search Engine With Even More Hacking Tricks (3:22)
37. Get More Identities (5:13)
38. Facebook OSINT Combine (3:29)
39. Manipulate Facebook URLs Part 1 (4:33)
40. Manipulate Facebook URLs Part 2 (10:54)
41. Manipulate Facebook URLs Part 3 (18:23)
42. Grab Your Target's Videos (11:46)
43. Quickening and Dumping (12:00)
Section 8: Reveal More Deeper Information
44. Section Goal (0:34)
45. Messenger Search Engine (2:05)
46. Reveal The Targets Other Accounts, Emails and Deeper Information (8:19)
47. Reveal Your Targets Other Internet Accounts (3:42)
48. Use Your Target's Phone To Reveal More Deeper Information (0:56)
49. Use Your Targets Pictures to Reveal A lot More and Deeper Information (4:56)
50. Use Your Target's Face To Reveal Deep Information (9:25)
51. Reveal Targeted Company Analytical Information (5:33)
52. FBI and Facebook Account Information Gathering (15:17)
53. Harden Your OSINT Hacking Attacks (6:27)
Section 9: Security and Privacy Hardening
54. Section Goal (0:34)
55. Completely Protect Your Account and Information (11:46)
56. A very Important Instruction (1:25)
Section 10: Finishing Up
57. Congratulations
Audio Version of the Training
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16. Kali Linux Command Line Interface
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