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Learn Hacking Using Android From Scratch
Section 1. Introduction
1. Course Intro & Overview (2:56)
Section 2. Weaponizing
2. Preparing Your Android Device (2:09)
3. Installing & Configuring Nexus Root Toolkit
4. Installing Device Drivers
5. Unlocking & Rooting The Device
6. Installing NetHunter
7. NetHunter Preview and Lab Overview (5:37)
Section 3. Installing Kali Linux As Virtual Machine (Optional)
8. Installing Kali 2018 As a Virtual Machine (8:32)
9. Basic Overview of The Operating System (7:05)
Section 4. Information Gathering
10. Discovering Wireless Networks - Wardriving (7:46)
11. Preparing Your Device To Crack WiFi Keys/Passwords - WEP/WPA/WPA2 (7:37)
12. Network Mapping - Discovering Devices Connected To The Network (5:22)
13. Network Mapping - Discovering Open Ports (10:01)
14. Network Mapping - Discoverig Installed Services (5:36)
Section 5. Spying
15. Introduction (3:10)
16. MITM (Man In The Middle) Methods (3:48)
Section 6. Spying > MITM Method 1 - Bad USB Attack
17. What Is The Bad USB Attack & How To Launch It (7:38)
18. Sniffing Data & Capturing Passwords (7:19)
19. Bypassing HTTPS (7:35)
20. DNS Spoofing (6:50)
Section 7. Spying > MITM Method 2 - ARP Poisonning
21. What Is ARP Poisoning (6:43)
22. ARP Poisoning & Sniffing Data Using arpspoof (7:02)
23. ARP Poisoning & Sniffing Data Using Zanti2 (7:42)
24. Intercepting Downloaded Files (4:16)
25. Replacing Images & Injecting Javascript Code (2:36)
Section 8. Spying > MITM Method 3 - Fake Access Point (Honey Pot)
26. Fake Access Point Theory (5:59)
27. Configuring Access Point Settings (5:36)
28. Launching The Fake Access Point (8:45)
29. Sniffing Data Sent Over The Access Point (6:11)
Section 9. Detection & Protection
30. Detecting ARP Poisoning Attacks (5:02)
31. Detecting Suspicious Activity in the Network & Solutions to ARP Poisoning (4:42)
Section 10. Exploitation (Gaining Access)
32. Introduction (2:38)
33. Bypassing Windows/OSX Logins - Setup (5:36)
34. Bypassing Windows/OSX Logins (4:35)
35. Creating An Undetectable Backdoor (7:26)
36. Using Metasploit Meterpreter (9:15)
37. Replacing Downloadeds With A Backdoor (5:51)
38. Backdooring Downloads On The Fly (12:49)
39. HID Keyboard Attack- Executing Windows Commands On Target Computer Via USB (7:03)
40. HID Keyboard Attack - Gaining Full Control Over Windows Machine (9:07)
Section 11. Exploitation - Rubber Ducky Scripts
41. What Are Rubber Ducky Scripts & How To Use Them (4:00)
42. Automatic Download & Execute To Gain Full Control Over Windows (6:23)
43. Reverse OSX Shell To Gain Full Control Over Mac OSX Computers (6:32)
44. Reverse Linux Shell To Gain Full Control Over Linux Computers (3:40)
Section 12. Detecting Malicious Files
45. Protecting Yourself Against Backdoor Delivery Methods (3:50)
46. Detecting Undetectable Backdoors (3:01)
20. DNS Spoofing
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