Creating The Perfect Spying Tool

Lecture Transcript - Creating The Perfect Spying Tool

Now in this lecture, I want to show you

a practical use of the download and execute payload

that I showed you in the previous lecture.

So, what I want to do is I'm gonna modify the links in that payload,

so that it downloads Vlogger and LaZagne.

So, that automatically, whenever the person double clicks that file,

I will get a report of all the saved passwords and all the passwords in memory

because LaZagne is going to do all that for me.

And then, Vlogger will be executed

and it's going to run as a service on that computer

and it's going to record any keystroke the person enters, even after they restart.

So this way, I'll be able to get all the saved passwords

and any other password the person will enter in the future.

Now, I'm going to be using tools and files that we've already used before,

so this is just combining a few things that we learned so far.

So, I'm already in my evil files in 'var/www/html'.

And I already have my download and execute bat script.

And it's already in bat, so I won't need to rename it.

But I can open it with my Text Editor,

the same way that I open it, when it's in text.

And you can see that this is set like the previous video to just download and execute two images.

What we want to do in this lecture is, we want to download and execute two executables,

so I'm just going to delete all of this in here and the files.

And I'm gonna put the location where my first file is stored

and again, you want to make sure that the file that you're using can be directly downloaded from this URL.

So, I'm actually going to be downloading Vlogger, right here

and I'm going to be downloading,


So, just to show you what I mean by direct URL.

So you'll see, whenever I type 'run Lazagne' right here.

You won't see any pages, you'll directly see Download dialog, asking you to download the 'run-Lazagne' file.

So, this will tell us that this URL can be used to directly download Lazagne.

and that means I can use it in my script.


The first file that I wanna download is LaZagne, so it's gonna be,

make sure you put the quotes and then type in the URL,

so, my URL is going to be, ''

That's my first file.

My second file is going to be Vlogger and it's at the same URL,

so it's at '' and that's going to be followed by 'Bee.exe'

Now, keep in mind, you don't have to have these files on your own web server.

I'm only using my web server here, for convenience,

you can upload these file to any remote server

and just make sure you use the direct URLs.

There's a lot of free hosting websites.

There is a lot of websites, will just allow you to upload files like this,

just make sure you have, the file can be directly downloaded from the URL that you're using.

So. I'm done now, everything is done. I'm just gonna save this CTRL+S

and we can test this.

So, I'm just gonna go to my gmail to show you

that I don't have any notifications from anything at the moment.

So, if I just go and refresh here, I have nothing.

Now, I'm gonna download.

I'm just gonna download, my 'download and execute'file from here.

And I'm going to click on Save.

And then, I'm going to execute.

So, what this is gonna do, it's gonna do two things, it will first download

LaZagne and execute it at the background

and then, it's gonna download Vlogger and execute it in the background as well.

LaZagne will get me all the passwords that's saved on my browsers and on the programs

that's used on Windows including the Windows passwords and passwords in the memory, like we seen.

And Vlogger will run as a service, it's always gonna run even if the computer restarts

and it's going to record all the key strikes that I enter on this computer,

so that even if I log into anything in the future, I'll still be able to capture that.

You can see that this is LaZagne, actually working in the background

and it's still trying to look for passwords.

We're gonna leave that and don't worry about it, we're gonna, I'm gonna show you, how to hide this window

and it won't be suspicious at all in the future.

For now, it's okay.

So, what I'm gonna do is, I'm just gonna go to Facebook.

And just log into it to make sure that Vlogger is working in the background.

So, I'm gonna go to

And just log in with any username and password, so let's say, is a that

And let's say I put my password as '123456'.

Okay. Now coming back, we can see that we already got our LaZagne report.

And if I open that.

And open it here.

This is gonna give us the saved passwords on the computer, so this is not a keylogger, it's LaZagne.

And we can see that we have the two passwords that we were getting before

and we have the password for the gmail account for John Wack and it's 'abc123abc123'.

So that's really cool, we were able to get all the passwords that the person used so far.

And now our keylogger is working in the background,

sending us reports of anything that the person types on the, on their keyboard.

So, we can see that we already got a report in here.

If I open that, we can see that our target went to Facebook.

And they put their path, their username which is '[email protected]'.

And they put their password as '1234567'.

And Vlogger is going to be constantly working in the background,

recording all the data, the person does on their computer.

So, what's really cool about what we did now is,

we were able to get all the passwords that the person used before using Vlogger

and all the passwords that the person will use in the future and Vlogger is going to do that for us.

So, with this method we were able to,

we were able to combine two programs Vlogger and LaZagne,

get them both executed with one download and with one file.

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