
🔗 Start a Conversation Here

PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING - Casual conversations and comments

Think of this space as your community water cooler. Here you can chat with fellow community StationX members, share ideas and resources on all things cyber security, or just generally get to know each other.

This space is GOOD for:

✅ General chit-chat, comments, and statements.
✅ Sharing ideas and resources.
✅ Getting to know other members.
✅ Helping others by contributing to posts, answering questions, or generally sharing tips and tricks with others.
✅ Non-cyber security content.
✅ Light-hearted comments and humor.

This space is NOT for:

❌ Technical and non-technical questions about StationX training and courses. These should be asked in Questions & Answers.
❌ Asking for feedback on your understanding of a topic.

❌ Support questions related to your account, subscription, changing email address, payment methods, technical problems, feedback, and so on. For this, contact our Customer Support Team or at [email protected]
❌ Career mentorship, career questions, roadmaps, where to start, certificates, what to study, and so on. For this, StationX Accelerator members ask your question here.
❌ Sharing any successes you have had. That should be done here.

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