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x64dbg Static Analysis for Reverse Engineering Beginners
Training Overview
Description of Training
Video Overview (3:38)
Section 1: Introduction
Introduction (3:38)
Section 2: Introduction to Static Analysis
Introduction to static analysis (2:02)
Section 3: Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it
Download x64dbg (5:22)
Installing xAnalyzer plugin (7:24)
Setting up xanalyzer (4:48)
Section 4: Graphical Static analysis
Update Latest xdbg has merged CPU menu and Graph menu (9:59)
How to use x64dbg to disassemble and generate graphical view (9:32)
Section 5: Practice on graphical static analysis and file patching
More practice on static analysis and file patching (11:45)
Section 6: Static analysis on 64-bit programs
Introduction to 64-bit registers (7:14)
Practice on 64-bit programs (easy peasy) (4:02)
Solving easy peasy 64-bit crackme (14:54)
Useful commands for x64 graphical tool (10:18)
Section 7: Resources for further studies
Bonus Lecture
Audio Version of Training
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Update Latest xdbg has merged CPU menu and Graph menu
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